June 12, 2008

to amy (an artist deserving of the name)

so i stumbled upon this treading-on-cheesy rodin quote on a gallery wall a few weeks ago, and scribbled it down just in case i felt the right moment might elevate it for me:

"to any artist, deserving of the name, all in nature is beautiful because his eyes, fearless by accepting all exterior truth, read there, as in an open book, all the inner truth."

today was one of those insipidly hot, humid all over your body days. i was practicing some bach on the violin when all of the sudden my screechy chords were meshing with the peels of thunder - and i looked out to see all of the heat melt happily into a cascading waterfall of summer storm. and i thought of you. beautiful.


Unknown said...

i love museum scribbles--i wish i had written down the one about the pottery fragments. i finally started up a little sketchbook (the first thing i did was tape that article about the deposed nepal king and the old mistress in it). and i love that you saw that and thought of me :)

lia said...

SPEAKING OF deposed nepal kings - i love love love the first line of that article. no wonder it screams at a need for some new poetry... please?

Unknown said...

i know--i have read that article about 20 times now and each time it's that first sentence that makes my heart jump, it is just so chalk full.