June 26, 2008

Reading's Timely Comeback

Today over gchat, Hybrid (Marc) sent me a delightful link which sent me sprawling into the past: http://www.readatwork.com/. [When the page pops up and you click on the icon to the right, a fake screen will pop up. Click on the files, select a story/poem and pretend to be dutifully preparing to do a powerpoint! It's that easy!]

If you were anything like me as a child (and I happen to know that several of you were), you were not only hyperactive but you also would read anything you could get your filthy, little hands on. Cereal boxes, teen romances, boy survival tales, anything. I seemed to be reading all the time, or at least when I wasn't supposed to, and the most tempting of all times was when I was supposed to be sleeping. I don't know why the allure of nighttime made reading so dangerous and exciting, but I do know that I went to great lengths to do it.

My favorite tactic was this: lie down in bed while holding my opened book against the back of my abnormally wide teddy bear. That way, when my parents came in I could just clutch the panda to my chest and pretend I was sleeping. Brilliant. I don't know how I explained the light to them. But man, I had them good because they never caught on. Or maybe they didn't have the heart to force a little girl to stop reading, not like the soul-less monsters that we call "bosses" these days.

So if your fingers don't quite move at a quick enough speed to minimize your online reading, consider this a modern day panda.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is a truly brilliant tactic--the ol' book/panda! i can't remember a time in my life when i wasn't reading. in my senior yearbook we have these before/after shots. the before shot my dad submitted was of me in a pink turtleneck and frothy pink bows reading a book called "escape from terror island" with an illustration of daredevil types cruising on some motorcycles. awesome.