June 13, 2008


This is a prose poem by Stephen Dunn that I love. Especially since I feel indifferent a lot--it is kind of a wake up call every time I read it.


There's evidence of life in hatefulness, which is why indifference, not hate, is the opposite of love. Between lovers, what's worse than a shrug? Or you look in the mirror, and not even an old friend stares back, or anybody you'd be inclined to improve.
Otherwise, indifference may be what you can't help feeling toward someone who can't help inspiring it. It can be as natural as a yawn, not necessarily a failing or a falling away. Justified or not, indifference is never anything to be proud of; there's not a situation it has ever made better. For those regulars of indifference, to whom so little matters, some synapse between brain and society has snapped, some link between hearts and other hearts. They are beyond hurt, these masters of distance, they don't permit themselves the sweetness of the tragic world.


A and O said...

what a great slap in the face.
I needed that.

lia said...

some link between heart and heart... i think that might describe it better than anything i've ever thought of. so here's to holding on to that synapse, that link, ever tightly - with dear friends and beautiful sights and strong memories that won't lightly let us go.

Unknown said...

yes, yes, yes