June 26, 2008

Lightning Bugs

I'd never met a firefly in person, but people told me I would run into them when I moved out East. I was excited for this first encounter, but eventually I forgot all about it (I'm gonna blame it on the government).

A few weeks ago, walking down New Jersey Avenue after getting off the metro, this little light flashed in front of me for a moment and then faded to brick, like a match igniting and then extinguishing. I waited, and a few moments later the yellow spark flashed again. Again and again the light when on and off. Entranced, I nearly followed the lightning bugger right into the street. I survived our introduction when the firefly united with the front grill of a BWM, and its light abruptly when out.

I wish fireflies made their homes in these frosted glass jars covered by polaroid emulsion transfers (Created by Max*Power).


Unknown said...

so, so beautiful! we have green fireflies here in shirlington forest! and tonight at my friend amanda's house, fireflies were whooshing up from the grass in great, blinking waves.

Lia said...

i wish you could send me a lightning bug pet!