November 29, 2008

in love with

murmur[ing], which is "a documentary oral history project that records stories and memories told about specific geographic locations. We collect and make accessible people's personal histories and anecdotes about the places in their neighborhoods that are important to them. In each of these locations we install a [murmur] sign with a telephone number on it that anyone can call with a mobile phone to listen to that story while standing in that exact spot, and engaging in the physical experience of being right where the story takes place. Some stories suggest that the listener walk around, following a certain path through a place, while others allow a person to wander with both their feet and their gaze."


Amanda said...

That is AWESOME.

Patricia said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE this. it makes me think of all the layers of people who have lived in the same spaces that i live in now, and how my life, unknowingly, carries a trace of them

Lia said...

this is so so sooooooooo beautiful. charming. magical. i love your comment, dear patricia. i love the idea that we might carry traces of others lives.

actually, i used to pretend that my violin (which reaches its 100th birthday next year) carried all of the personalities and lives of its previous owners and players in its sound. to think! all those traces and layers is sitting, perched quietly, in a black case beneath my bed!