November 4, 2008

fist pump = so hot right now

The fist pump is a celebratory gesture in which a closed fist is raised before the torso and subsequently drawn down and nearer to the body in a vigorous, swift motion. The fist pump is frequently carried out in parts of the Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Japan (where it is known as guts pose) to denote enthusiasm, exuberance, or success and may be accompanied by a similarly energetic exclamation or vociferation. The gesture may be executed once or in a rapid series.

It can be accompanied by the verbalization "Yes!"

[Thanks Lia, Wikipedia, and gchat status duets!]

Fistpumps all around on this magnificent night!


lia said...

i have been showing this to everyone i know.

i love america.

Patricia said...

don't forget about the double pump!