December 3, 2008

so delicious.

gary komarin's zone of continuity. sometimes you see something and you want to run inside of it, embed within it, lick the colors from the bottom right corner. if you did, your tongue would drip with sugar like a caramelized pear and the nerves in your fingertips would reel with the delicious shock waves. life would suddenly become more than okay - wondrous, fantastic, deserving of every exclamation point.

"Komarin holds no apparent hierarchies. The first mark is as important, and as unimportant as the last. Each new element added either remains on top or eventually gets partially buried into the cumulative richness of the surface. The complexities of shape, line, field, surface are sustained miraculously from painting to painting by a remarkably consistent integrated working method that embraces a perpetually shifting focus and validates every nuance of the process, but favors none."

from Steven Alexander's essays on art.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh. my. i want to both be that black spot and pretend it does not exist.