July 10, 2008

Mark the Music

A spattering of quotes from Kandinsky's Concerning the Spiritual in Art

"Generally speaking, colour is a power which directly influences the soul. Colour is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand which plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul."

"There is no 'must' in art, because art is free.'

"More particularly speaking, white, although often considered as no colour (a theory largely due to the Impressionists, who saw no white in nature), is a symbol of a world from which all colour as a definite attribute has disappeared. This world is too far above us for its harmony to touch our souls. A great silence, like an impenetrable wall, shrouds its life from our understanding. White, therefore, has this harmony of silence, which works upon negatively. It is not a dead silence, but one pregnant with possibilites. White has the appeal of the nothingness that is before birth, of the world in the ice age."

"In the hierarchy of colours green is the 'bourgeoisie' - self-satisfied, immovable, narrow. It is the colour of summer, the period when nature is resting from the storms of winter and the productive energy of spring."


ashmae said...

thelma! i was just talking about this essay this morning! i love color. also, marc, did you grow a beard?

Lia said...

i had to hold a series of defenses against this manifesto last summer. but really, how can anyone say no when you claim that green is the color of summer? c'mon.

Unknown said...

ah such a delight! thanks for posting this, thelms!