July 2, 2008

something for this moment

a dear friend sent me this video a few days ago, and i feel like it perfectly illustrates this summer for me. something about being in such a large city makes me feel sort of despairingly connected and isolated, all in the same moment: i pass a million people every day, and i feel so ready to reach out and grab their hands, learn their names, draw a dot-to-dot between us - or to pass by without a glance, clutching my purse instinctively in a rhythm to the push and pull of the subway cars. what is it about humanity that at once connects and isolates, gathers in and then separates?


Unknown said...

absolutely stunning. i have watched this 3 times on repeat now. the animation is amazing--nostalgic in the way you feel when watching old cartoons from the 70s or 80s, but so gloriously present. when the people are falling, then reach out and grab each other hands reminds me so much of this brian doyle essay that i am going to post right now. this is gorgeous, thank you.

Lia said...

i listened to this song about five hundred billion times on repeat (and probably not even an exagerration) out of the city, on one of the most stunning hikes of my life - waterfalls spiralling from the tops of mountains, greenery and pools of clear, cold, tumbling water, clouds soaring beneath us - and it felt so perfect for that moment, also. i love what you said about the way it feels so nostalgic and present at the same time.
by the way, how do i make the link and post it as a little video box? you know, like you and thelms have done with the youtube videos, so that you can just watch the video on the blog site? (just a needed bit of technical advice)

Unknown said...

to the right of the video there is a box that says "enbed" followed by a link. you copy & paste the link into the text box as you're writing the blog. i checked for this video but i think they disabled the enbed link but double check! i cannot wait to see pictures of this glorious hike!!!