October 23, 2008

Camera Scavenger Hunt!

I am in the middle of putting together a camera scavenger hunt and I thought it would be fun to do one with all of us. Just so we get the feeling of everyone's various places. So, dear Transpacificists, get your cameras ready and post your findings when you get them (or as you go--you don't have to put all five up at once)!

1. Your space (where you've been spending most of your time lately)
2. Favorite color found where you are
3. Favorite person/place/or thing found where you are
4. Self portrait
5. Most beautiful part of your daily routine


joojierose said...

at sundance my freshman year i saw the documentary "disbelief," which truly was that - it was remarkable. the writer/director, andrei nekrasov, was there to speak and after the screening talked about how in soviet russia art was restricted to it's very fundamentals, that artists were trained to create pieces which evoked emotions only in relation back to the state. love [of the state], beauty [of the state], compassion [for the state] etc etc... or it's like in the documentary "state of mind" about north korea - when everything must refer back to the state, every thought, action, and expression - you are right, what is subversive or revolutionary is that which does not.

Lia said...

oh my, i LOVE this idea - i will do it do it do it when perchance i get some time.