or, the return of the Great Action Shot Adventure (featuring new player ASHMAE! doing her one of the kind Russian folk dance/karate chop move)
or, the audition for wikipedia's new fistpump image!
or, making puppeteering dreams come true at kneaders:
or, miraculously adorable/awkward action shots:
so here is to glorious, glorious, reunions of transpacificists nationwide:
I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WEEKEND. seriously. so many pandas. so many puppets. so many infinitely magical moments.
next time i get a wish bone, i'm going to make one very important and necessary wish: that we all someday live on the same street and lay out on our lawns in the afternoon with pitchers of amy's favorite sangria drink and read poetry and laugh about narwhals and remember how beautiful life is.
love you and miss you already, amy!
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