August 8, 2008

100th POST!!!! (we are awesome guys!)

i forgot just how much i love fidalis buehler's paintings. remember this larger than life amzing-ness that graced gallery 110's wall?

and this?

here's fidalis on his art: "My work exposes the duality of skill and awkwardness; generating tension between craftsmanship and brutality. The psychology of the brush strokes and the indecency of the execution activates feelings of disconnect, fragility, sacredness, and uncertainty; fusing memory and conscious thought to arrive at a peculiar but honest visual interpretation."

view more here.


ashmae said...

fidalis is the newest byu full-time painting professor! i love his work and that people like him are coming on the byu scene!

Unknown said...

WHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAT! THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! good for him. and good for byu.