April 2, 2009

Welcome to my neighborhood

So I did a short little film for my family to give them a glimpse of where I live - and since ya'll are like family...

Welcome.... from Thelma Young on Vimeo.


lia said...

thelma thelma thelma - this is so beautiful, i am crying giant tears. i miss you so much, my dear, and your eye for finding beauty in the smallest but the most important of things.

(really, coming to see you in thailand is more than just a random possibility, as i shall be in korea in a few months time - not too terribly far away?)

Unknown said...

oh thelma, this is glorious. i am also crying giant tears. thank you so much for sharing!

Amanda said...

Dear heavens, Thelma. This video made me cry, and I don't even know you as well as the other Transpacificists do! It also made me sad that I only got to hang out with you a few times before you headed overseas. You are so admirable.