October 6, 2008


I am reading Masters of the Dew by Roumain, and though it's mostly a communist tale of uniting workers together, at a certain point, before uniting a community, hearts have to be willing to let each other in. Even if it is painful at first to thaw walls. It's necessary to realize that we are people and we need each other.

Anna after talking to Manuel for the first time: "I'm not the same anymore. What's happened to me? It's a sweetness that almost hurts, a warmth that burns like ice."

Manuel on trust: "Trust is almost a mystery. It can't be bought and it has no price. You can't say, 'Sell me so much and so much.' It's more like a plot between one heart and another heart." 


Amanda said...


joojierose said...

yes the ambiguity of trust... i love that it's "a plot between one heart and another heart," because hearts are so imperfect, so how could we trust without some sense of forgiveness? or at least understanding of imperfections?

lia said...

oh, patricia, this is so lovely. truth IS almost a mystery, but just almost, because our hearts keep plotting all the same.

Unknown said...

oh, so good. so, so good.