snowy landscape by cuno amiet.
(forgive the low quality - it's such a pity, this painting is incredible in person: absolutely massive taking up a whole wall in the musee d'orsay. i'm in love with it.)
With one heart in Burma and a few others in America, this daily sketchboat will sail across that vast, interminable expanse of ocean to bring us happy friends together again.
oh i love this--so much.
this is one of the most beautiful images i have ever seen. it reminds me of something i thought a lot about while i was in korea, the idea that we can have pockets of intimate familiarity with our surroundings where even a definite isolation lends itself to a feeling of comfort. perhaps this is just the way that i am reading the piece, but the vastness of the surroundings almost feel like a blanket i would like to burrow in, a landscape that i would like to become friends with in the silence of our intimacy.
i posted some photographs on this blog back in july by a korean artist who i feel also beautifully captured this idea. i'm glad to be reminded.
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