February 15, 2009

Thank You, Chicago (3.0)

For the bean.

(When you stand beneath the sculpture and gaze up into what I call the belly of the bean, your reflection becomes distorted in all kinds of crazy cool ways:)


Unknown said...

OH THE BEAN!!!!! so much fun!

Unknown said...

also, can we just take a small minute to admire the pure loveliness of this word: omphalos (the thing at the bottom of the bean). also, thanks wikipedia, an ancient religious stone artifact, or baetylus. In Greek, the word omphalos means "navel" (compare the name of Queen Omphale). According to the ancient Greeks, Zeus sent out two eagles to fly across the world to meet at its center, the "navel" of the world. Omphalos stones used to denote this point were erected in several areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea; the most famous of those was at the oracle in Delphi.